Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Maine 2013

MAINE 2013:

This year's trip to Maine was our best so far.  I lucked out with my blind reservation and without much research (I'd never been to Acadia) at the Acadia Cottages, located on the "quiet side" of Acadia National Park .  .  . Southwest Harbor.  Didn't know that the noisy side (Bar Harbor) was indeed noisy and busy! Southwest Harbor was small, quiet and we went for numerous beautiful walks and bike rides without any fanfare or hassle.

Coming off the heels of M's 5 star luxury find at Moosehead Lake (The lovely Blair Hill Inn), the cottages were refreshingly spartan and spare.  We patronized Little Notch Bakery for pastries each day and then one night, near the end of our trip, I had finally eaten enough fried fish, lobster and blueberry pie and the sign for "Ukranian Style Borscht" really looked good.  I'd noticed that much of the restaurant workers in Southwest Harbor had eastern european accents, and when I inquired at Little Notch my favorite pastrymaid told me that indeed, they were part of a summer work exchange.  I really loved the flavors of the borscht and thought I would try duplicating the flavors in the form of a burger topping.  Voila!

Borscht Inspired Burger

Blair Hill Inn

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